Mrs. Sandy Harmon » Mrs. Sandy Harmon's Second Grade Class

Mrs. Sandy Harmon's Second Grade Class

I am Sandy Harmon. I am teaching second grade at our beautiful new Cartwright Elementary School. I have 32+ years teaching experience in Bedford County. I started my career teaching second grade, and now it feels like things have come full circle. I am sharing our class with Angie Hornaday, so your child will have two teachers. It is our hope that the students will benefit from our combined years of experience and the teaching strengths of two teachers. 
I am married to a wonderful husband, JR of 25 years. We have three adult daughters and four grandchildren. Outside of school, these and Jesus are my world. I enjoy studying the Bible, music, reading, gardening, and playing in general. 
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Mrs. Sandy Harmon
2nd Grade Teacher
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