2nd Grade » Meet our 2nd grade team!

Meet our 2nd grade team!

Besides reading, writing and math skills, second graders will learn to be organized, independent and responsible students. We want to encourage good citizenship, life-long learning and a love for reading. Your child will grow in so many different ways this year!

Kristy Altman1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system?  

I have taught Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade at Cascade Elementary for 25 years. I also did an interim at Eastside in 3rd grade for one year.  

2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school?   

As a child I always loved to play school with my younger siblings. Also, as long as I can remember I have either taught VBS or been the VBS director, as well as teaching many different Sunday school classes through the years. In 1997 I worked at Thomas School as an assistant. I fell in love with the school environment and the students. I saw the passion teachers like Beverly Spiers, Lynn Shelton, Mary Catherine Perry and so many others had as they worked to make learning fun. The love and appreciation they had for their students made me want to ‘grow up to be just like them!’ Lol! This motivated me to follow my  

3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright?   

I am super excited about a brand-new school, our principal Whitney Yoes, and becoming friends with more sweet colleagues. But what I am most excited about is the STUDENTS  

I always say that God places every child in your class for a reason. I cannot wait to meet them and see all their sweet faces!!! I will once again be job sharing with my friend Terry Davis. It is going to be a great year  

4. Is there anything extra you would like to share?  

I love my Jesus and my family. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Vint Altman, for 46 years. We love to travel, go hiking, work puzzles, etc. We love worshiping with our church family at FBC Normandy  

We have a daughter Sharla Holland, who also teaches at Cartwright in 3rd grade. She is married to Brad Holland and they have three grown daughters. Two of those just married this spring. Sharla also has two grandsons which makes me a great grandmother! Our son, Joshua, is married to Stephanie and they have 6 children. The oldest just graduated high school and the youngest just graduated kindergarten  

Robin Driscoll1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system? I’m Robin Driscoll. I’ve taught at Cascade Elementary for 25 years. 

2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school? I grew up in a family of teachers. I remember as a little girl playing school and pretending to be a teacher. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. I am so fortunate to have been able to live my dream!  

3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright? I’ve heard great things about Cartwright Elementary, and I can’t wait to be a part of a great group of teachers and leaders. I also look forward to meeting my sweet students! 

Sandra Harmon1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system? I have 32 years of experience, all in Bedford County. I have taught grades 1, 2, 6 and Title One grades 1-8.
2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school? I thought I wanted to be a teacher as early as third grade. While I was in high school tutoring for National Honor Society, I helped a boy with geometry. I saw the look of realization on his face when he understood the concept. If there was ever any doubt, I knew then that I wanted to be a teacher.
3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright? There are so many things to be excited about for the coming school year. I will be starting a new year at a brand-new school. I am going to get to teach second grade again, which is what I taught when I began my career. Angie Hornaday is my new job share partner, and I think we will make a great team. I look forward to meeting our new students!
4. Is there anything extra you would like to share? I am happily married to my husband of 25 years, J.R. Harmon. We have three beautiful adult daughters and four grandchildren.
Jennifer Hester
1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system? I have been teaching for 33 years.
2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school? I wanted to become a teacher to make a difference in the lives of children. I also enjoy being able to help shape students into the adults they’ll become with lessons that will last a lifetime.
3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright? I am most excited about becoming a part of the Cartwright community because this is a new journey for me. I am also excited about creating relationships with families, students and colleagues.
Angie Hornaday
1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system? My name is Angie Hornaday. I have 38 years of teaching experience in Bedford County. I have taught all grades K-6.
2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school? My dad was an educator, so I decided to follow in his footsteps. I enjoy being around children, and I wanted to teach to make a positive difference in the lives of children.
3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright? I am so excited to be teaching at a brand new school. I am looking forward to teaching 2nd grade with my job sharing partner Sandy Harmon. I can’t wait to meet our 2nd grade students!
4. Is there anything extra you would like to share? I am a die-hard Tennessee Volunteer Sports fan. I especially love Tennessee football, basketball and baseball. I am also a big animal lover. I live on a farm where I have three dogs, six cats and a horse.
Mitzi Raney1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system My name is Mitzi Raney, and I have been with Bedford County Schools since 2004. I started working in the school system after raising my children and decided I wanted to be a teacher.
2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school? I finished my degree in Early Childhood Education and joined the Bedford County Community because it has always been my home.
3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright? I am very excited to be working at Cartwright Elementary and the excellent teachers that are coming on board. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to join with others to begin a new school.
4. Is there anything extra you would like to share? I have three children and seven grandchildren, all of whom live in the area.
Laura Wilder1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system? I am Laura Wilder. I’ve taught in Bedford County for 33 years. 

2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school? I wanted to be a teacher since I was a little girl. My husband is a teacher in Bedford County, and both of our daughters are attending college to be teachers. 

3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright? I am so excited to be at Cartwright Elementary among such an excellent faculty and staff and such amazing leaders. I can’t wait to meet my new students and their families!