3rd Grade » Meet our 3rd grade team!

Meet our 3rd grade team!

In third grade we will focus on reading comprehension, writing, mathematics, science and social studies to expand student knowledge by applying real life experiences. Along with these educational concepts, we will work on students social and emotional skills to help them become respectful and responsible young people. 

Nicci Hasty1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system? I have been teaching for 7 years. 
2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school? I had several teachers growing up that provided me with both positive and negative experiences. I look back on the positives and smile, and I look back on the negatives and choose to make sure I am a better teacher than what I received in those times. In early elementary school, I decided being a teacher was the job I wanted when I grew up. I took that dream and made it a reality.  
3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright? I am most excited to start in a brand-new classroom and begin the legacy of 3rd Grade at Cartwright! My experience involved classrooms built in the late 50s, early 60s, which have their fair share of issues; so I am excited to have a classroom space that will have less classroom layout limitations. I look forward to the love of reading being created in the new space and starting that adventure with the 2024-2025 group of 3rd Grade students. 
4. Is there anything extra you would like to share? I am happily married to Trevor and have two beautiful children: Teagan and Blakelyn. 

Sharla Holland1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system? I have taught for 13 years, teaching kindergarten to third grade. I have taught second grade for the last five years but look forward to teaching third grade. I know exactly where they will be coming from  

2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school? I wanted to be a teacher because I love working with children. It gives me joy to see their excitement for life. I want all children to know they are loved, cared for, and have a special purpose in this life  

3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright? I am excited to work at Cartwright because it’s the very first year of a new school. I love that we have all these years of experience that will come together to create the most awesome school. It’s exciting to build a foundation and legacy for this new community!  

4. Is there anything extra you would like to share? I’ve been married to my best friend, Brad Holland, for 28 years. We have three beautiful daughters, Kaley Warren, Emily Church, and Erin Blackburn, who are all married. I have 2 energetic grandsons. David is four, Caden is one, and I love them to piecesI am a Christian and love Jesus with all my heart! We go to church at Normandy Baptist where I play the piano. I also love to dance. (I have choreographed school musicals in the past.) One hobby I have started is beekeeping. I’m learning as I go, but it’s very interesting  

Priscila Morales1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system? I have one year of experience. 
2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school? I wanted to become a teacher to give students a nourishing, positive teacher. I want to be the teacher I needed growing up.
3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright? I am excited to meet new people, work with students that need me and mainly excited to grow in a new school together as a whole.
4. Is there anything extra you would like to share? I really enjoy being involved with things at school, mainly sporty things. At my prior school, we had many staff events together.

Yohana Owens1. How many years of experience do you have teaching or in the school system? I earned my bachelor's degree in education in 2007 from the University of Medan, Indonesia. I taught at an international school in 2008, in the capital city of Jakarta, where I met my husband. This is my second year teaching in Bedford County. I taught at East Side Elementary School as a 5th-grade teacher (all subjects). I am familiar with Wit-and-Wisdom for ELA, and SAVAAS for math, science and social studies. I am currently working on my Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction at Tennessee Tech University. 
2. What made you want to become a teacher or work in a school? I became a teacher because I have a passion to share what knowledge the Lord has given me through personal experience and training with others. I believe America is the land of opportunity. I would love to inspire my students to overcome diversity by putting their heart into reaching their dreams. 
3. About what are you most excited for working at Cartwright? This is a brand-new opportunity in a brand-new school to grow together in the community. Cartwright is located in Bedford County, a region with a large diversity of students. I feel like I can relate with the students in a way that will, hopefully, inspire them to dream big and to reach for a better future. 

4. Is there anything extra you would like to share? I also had the opportunity to serve as a missionary with my husband and five beautiful children (Daniel, Priscilla, Chloe, Amelia, and Matthew) in my home country of Indonesia (a third-world country), so I had experience working with diversity and poverty. I believe students go to school, not just for knowledge, but in search of a place that gives them love and compassion. Outside of teaching, my family and I love to travel around the world. Because of my travels and the privilege of being a missionary for seven years, God has gifted me with the ability to speak several languages and dialects.